Let me ask you a question first. Do you know the driving force behind a series of cutting-edge technologies around the world? These technologies include Unreal Engine and Fortnite, Facebook’s …
In this episode, I want to introduce an entrepreneur and investor that I respect very much-John Ruffolo. Hope you can get some inspiration through his story. John is the Founder …
In this episode, let me introduce the second-ranked startup company among the 100 most promising artificial intelligence companies selected globally, with a valuation of US$1.148 billion. This startup is Aurora, …
In this episode, let’s talk about the high technologies that will be shown to the world at the Tokyo Summer Olympics in Japan. This Olympic Games can be regarded as …
In this episode, I will introduce the concept that you must understand in the post COVID-19 pandemic era, that is, the visual networking. What is visual networking? According to Wikipedia, …